2025 Legislative Issues

Our dedicated lobby team members write issue papers before each legislative session that provide the background behind the League's position on each issue as well as outline the anticipated plans and legislation for the upcoming session. Throughout the 2025 legislative session, we will add more content tracking the progress of the bills we are following.

Making Democracy Work®

Civic Education

Support efforts to educate youth and adults about how government works and how to be engaged in democracy.

Download Civic Education Issue Paper

Elections and Money in Politics [Money in Politics COMING SOON]

Support changes in the electoral system that streamline the electoral process while protecting the integrity of records and ballots as well as limitations on the influence of money in election outcomes.

Download Elections Issue Paper

Local News and Democracy

Work to support efforts to revive local news and ensure all Washingtonians have ready access to information that helps them build healthy communities and participate in our democracy. Included in this effort is work to expand media-training opportunities for all.

Download Local News and Democracy Issue Paper


Support redistricting reform by 2031 that includes an updated commission, ongoing staff and technical support, process transparency, clearly defined rank criteria, an inclusive process for public input, and language accessibility.

Download Redistricting Issue Paper


Climate Crisis & Energy

Support measures that address the climate crisis and create clean and renewable energy sources as well as opportunities to enhance climate and environmental justice.

Download Climate Crisis & Energy Issue Paper


Support measures that protect and restore mature and old-growth forests, reform the adaptive management program and enhance community resilience to wildfire.

Download Forests Issue Paper

Growth Management [COMING SOON]

Assure that land use decisions protect resource lands, forests, shorelines, rural areas and agriculture, and also enhance climate resilience.

[COMING SOON] Download Growth Management Issue Paper


Achieve balanced and efficient systems, prioritizing those that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and congestion.

Waste Diversion

Divert waste from disposal through reuse, reduction, recycling using a variety of methods including extended producer responsibility and product stewardship policies with special attention to packaging, plastics, batteries, and digital electronic products.

Download Waste Diversion Issue Paper

Social and Economic Policy

Behavioral Health

Support increased funding for behavioral health services and behavioral health workforce development.

Download Behavioral Health Issue Paper

Early Care and Education

Promote adequately funded education services that support the development of children, those with special needs, economic vitality for families and businesses, and living wages and training/education for teachers. Ensure that state academic standards are sustained in local districts; and ensure that equitable education is available for all students.

Download Early Care and Education Issue Paper

K-12 Education

Promote adequately funded education services that support the development of children, those with special needs, economic vitality for families and businesses, and living wages and training/education for teachers. Ensure that state academic standards are sustained in local districts; and ensure that equitable education is available for all students.

Health Care

Support measures needed to progress toward Universal Healthcare funded by a single payer system for Washington State. Also support increasing the healthcare workforce capacity and improvements in system regulation.

Download Health Care Issue Paper

Affordable Housing & Homelessness

Ensure affordable housing for all and that new housing development is transit-oriented and contains environmental justice provisions.

Download Housing & Homelessness Issue Paper

Children’s Issues

Ensure policies that provide for the safety and well-being of all children as well as access to opportunities to develop their full potential.

[COMING SOON] Download Children’s Issues Issue Paper

Criminal Justice

Advocate for a criminal justice system that is just, effective, equitable and transparent, including sentencing reform, restrictions on use of solitary confinement, police accountability and recognition that mental health conditions and substance use disorders are health issues, not crimes.

Download Criminal Justice Issue Paper


Promote a flexible, equitable tax structure that provides robust support for all government obligations and is based on sound economic policy, including measures that will support savings in government costs to do business.

Download Revenue Issue Paper

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The League of Women Voters of Washington Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. LWVWA Education Fund contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. The League of Women Voters Education Fund does not endorse the contents of any web pages to which it links.

League of Women Voters of the United States

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