Social and Economic Policy Everyone should have access to affordable, quality health care across a full spectrum of services from preventive care to long-term care; and a workforce sufficient in quantity and qualified to provide these services and with the north star of a publicly funded universal healthcare system. Issue Team Chair: Cynthia Stewart, acting Issue Chair |
Overview of the 2024 Legislative Session While the bills dedicated to our legislative focus of improving oversight of mergers and acquisitions for healthcare entities and moving the cause of Universal Healthcare died in the session because of you they did make significant progress toward passage! As you can see by the many bills passed, many small incremental steps forward were definitely made to provide and improve both the quantity and quality of healthcare for Washingtonians. Thank you for taking those many requested actions for these important bills this session. Overview of the 2025 Legislative Session The priorities for League support remain:
2025 Health Care Legislation
Please see the weekly update above for the list of bills.