Social and Economic Policy
K-12 Education

The League believes the state has the Constitutional responsibility to provide ample and equal opportunity for education and also the responsibility for the social services needed to ensure that every child is ready to learn and safe in the educational environment, that all programs mandated by the legislature should be fully funded by the state, and that citizen participation should be encouraged at all levels.

Issue Team Chair: Vacant (For questions contact Social and Economic Policy Team Coordinator Karen Tvedt)
Interested in getting involved with this topic? Contact Karen Tvedt

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Overview of the 2025 Legislative Session

The 2024 Legislative Session ended with most of the League’s priority bills being passed and funded along with other good policy bills for which the League didn’t have positions. Dual and tribal language education grants were funded, as were bills to update inclusive materials in schools (SB 5462) to ensure students have access to materials and learning that includes LGBTQIA+ individuals and to protect students’ freedom to learn by creating processes and procedures required before books can be removed (HB 2331).

Also, the capital budget included $306 million for school construction, and legislators made a significant investment in the school construction assistance program by raising the per square foot funding from $271.61 to $375. 2025 finds schools facing financial challenges while being asked to do more than ever before. With state budget deficits and the uncertainty of future federal funding, it becomes even more important to maintain the state’s responsibility to provide ample and equal opportunity for education and social services to ensure that every child is ready to learn and safe in the educational environment.

Among issues that need to be addressed are fully funding special education, behavioral health supports, provision of inclusive/engaging education, and adequate funding of basic education.


At times during the session, an Issue Chair may write a "Weekly Update" to provide more details on what happened during the week. When they are available, they can be found below:

2025 K-12 Education Legislation

Priority Bills

Bills in green are supported. Bills in red are opposed by the League. Bills in black the League is watching.

SB 5123 Expanding protections for certain students to promote inclusivity in public schools. Students may not be discriminated against in WA public schools on the basis of ethnicity, gender identity, homelessness, immigration status and neurodivergence (these are added to the earlier list from 2010).

How To Be Involved

  • If you are interested in a particular bill, use the links above to go to the webpage for that bill. These pages include staff summaries and reports including who testified PRO versus CON on the bill. There is also information about how to access videos of hearings that have been held. 
  • Read and take action through the LWVWA Legislative Action Newsletter, distributed each Sunday during the legislative session.
  • You may also express your opinion on legislation with the LWVWA issue chairs. We will take your perspectives under consideration as we determine our support for legislation and prepare testimony. Please direct questions or comments to Karen Tvedt, Social and Economic Policy Team Coordinator.

The League of Women Voters of Washington is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.
The League of Women Voters of Washington Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. LWVWA Education Fund contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. The League of Women Voters Education Fund does not endorse the contents of any web pages to which it links.

League of Women Voters of the United States

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