League Newsletters
How to Submit
In League is published the second Friday of each month. The Evergreen Voter is published the last Friday of the month.
Do you have a local League or LWVWA event or update to share in one of our newsletters? Please email submissions to aheinrich@lwvwa.org. If you would like your article edited by our Communications Team, please use the subject line, “DRAFT.” If your article is completed and has been reviewed, please use the subject line, “FINAL,” in your email. The deadline for submissions is the Monday before publication by 12pm. Please include the following with your submission:
Email Subject Line: please include DRAFT or FINAL (whichever is applicable) and the newsletter in which you would like to see your article published.
Attachment of your article as a Word document with the article title and headline, author’s name, and author’s League affiliation.
Optional information: links to external websites or specific League URL’s
Optional information: photos with captions and photographer information. (Please submit as .jpg or .png attachment.)
In addition to submitting an article about an event, use this online form to add your event to the LWVWA events calendar.