Deadline: 1/16/23 |
The League of Women Voters of Washington Board of Directors is pleased to share with our members the completed study, Shoreline Management Act at 50+ Years.
The LWVWA has positions related to shorelines. However, the 2019 Convention delegates agreed that an update to these positions was in order and voted in favor of undertaking the study. The scope states:
A new study is needed to extend the 2001 work on page 26 of the LWVWA Program in Action 2017 – 2019.
Member participation in the consensus process is the basis for any new LWVWA position. If a new position is produced, state and local Leagues will be able to use these positions to advocate for public policy related to shorelines.
Each local League and unit-at-large will obtain member participation in the consensus process in a way that works best for them so long as all members are invited to participate and all participants are League members. Some methods local Leagues are using include:
The deadline for response from local Leagues is January 16, 2023. Please use the Shoreline Consensus Response Form to submit your League’s consensus. If it’s helpful, you can print the form to obtain consensus from units and then compile the responses before submitting via the survey.
Request a Hard Copy
LWVWA has a limited number of hard copies of the study for those members who are unable to access it via the state League website. Members who would like a hard copy can contact the state League office by emailing or calling 206-622-8961 or 800-419-2596.
All-Member Informational Meetings
We know this is the first time for many members to participate in the consensus process; we are committed to making it work as easily as possible for everyone. To support all our League members and leaders, we will be holding two special all-state League member meetings. All League members will receive notice of these meetings, and we ask that you share them with your local League members via your own newsletters or email updates. These meetings will be held via Zoom.
For any questions about the survey or consensus, please contact Mary Coltrane, LWVWA Program Chair, for assistance. If you would like more information on the study, please contact Shorelines Study Chair Shelley Kneip. She and her committee would be delighted to meet with you via Zoom if that’s helpful.