• 10 Jul 2024 12:28 PM | Anonymous

    In Star Trek, a “mind meld” is a kind of telepathic touch that enables the rapid sharing of knowledge and experience. Unfortunately for (at least most of) us, we are neither telepathic nor within touching distance of each other, so we have created a MELD Network* to provide a mechanism to better share tools, methods, practices, and accomplishments across the state with each other.  

    The “League Mind MELD” column is a way to share even more information to all our members across the state. This column will run each month and will include the responses we receive to the questions posed at the end of the previous month’s column.

     July’s MELD Moment
    Following the 2024 LWVUS Convention, MELD Pods are busy delving into what was shared, learned, and explored during the national gathering of Leagues. Across the country, Leagues have developed effective strategies, eye-catching SWAG, tabling best practices, and innovative GOTV ideas—what strategies and methods can be used in our Leagues? What new partnerships can we develop? Of course, there is also excitement among the Pods about the Local News Study being adopted by LWVUS and the approval of the Reproductive Rights Resolution (co-sponsored by LWVWA) and the Immigration Resolution (co-sponsored by LWV San Juans).

    At home, local Leagues have been sharing their DEI statements with each other and LWV Snohomish is publishing their DEI statement in Spanish. As we approach the August Primary (and even the General Election in November), members are hard at work on their candidate forums. And there have been three forums for state-wide offices hosted by the LWVWA and various local Leagues—the Superintendent of Public Instruction (with LWV Spokane Area), State Attorney General (with LWV Benton/Franklin), and the upcoming Commissioner of Public Lands forum (with LWV Clark County). Likewise, MELD Pods will now be shifting focus to the serious and detailed work of League GOTV and registration events prior to the General Election.

    The League Mind MELD
    Last month we asked what the LWVWA is currently doing to support Leagues across the state, and what members wished the LWVWA could or would start doing. We got a lot of great responses to these questions—here are just a few of them:

    What does the LWVWA do for your League?

    • Provide resources: civics ed grants, liability insurance, Affinity Groups, and guidance on how to use the LWVWA positions to advocate

    • Provide education and opportunities to take action: Action Workshops, affinity groups, Lobby Day and Lobby Week.

    What do you wish the LWVWA would or could do?

    • “Nuts and bolts” support: C3 accounting monthly and quarterly and annual candidate forum workshops.

    • Recruitment aids: Resources like recruitment brochure templates or ready-made recruitment messaging.

    • Social media support: graphics toolkits and templates, posting schedules.

    July’s questions:

    1. What is your League's favorite GOTV or Voter Services event (past or current events)?
    2. Do you see the value in continuing to open meetings with Land Acknowledgements? Why or why not? (Note: this question comes as a result of comments made by various tribal members in Washington).
    For more details about the MELD Pods or their work, please contact Nancy Halvorson. And don’t forget to send your answers to July’s question to Nancy as well!

    * In the context of the League, MELD actually has zero connection to Star Trek; it is an acronym for Membership, Engagement, Leadership, and Development. MELD pods meet each month to serve as platforms for sharing successes, addressing challenges, and exchanging ideas among local Leagues. Are you interested in learning more about MELD? Talk to your Local League Leadership about becoming involved in MELD. Are you interested in learning more about MELD? Talk to your Local League Leadership about becoming involved in MELD.

  • 09 Jul 2024 12:50 PM | Anonymous

    Were you unable to attend the LWVUS National Convention? Not to worry! We’ve asked some of the folks who attended the Convention as delegates for Washington to provide In League readers with their experiences.

    There is also more information on the 2024 Convention on the LWVUS's webpage, a daily recap of each 2024 Convention day's events. Stay tuned for the Convention recording in the next LWVUS League Update!

    In the meantime, you can find a taste of what it was like to be at the National Convention below.

    Lobby Day at the U.S. Capitol

    Turn Up for One Person One Vote, a discussion about the movement to abolish the Electoral College. (photo from LWV-US)

    Beth Pellicciotti, LWVWA Board (Civics Education) and LWV Spokane
    The 2024 LWVUS Convention is the third LWVUS convention I have attended. In 2020, the convention was an experiment in Zoom-land, and the plenaries and voting seemed like an extraordinarily long process. This was in the throes of Covid though, so any contact—even five hours on Zoom—was a diversion.

    In 2022, I attended in person in Denver. The plenaries were still long but breaks provided opportunities to meet with League delegates from near and far. I stopped by the Indiana delegation to tell them how they inspired me to join the League (they fought against voter IDs); I visited a Washington State friend who was now in the California delegation. I had fun! Our table of delegates ate tons of trail mix, we learned to vote on our phones, and I attended all the workshops on youth engagement. 

    In 2024, I attended remotely again. I presented in a pre-convention workshop, represented LWV Spokane (informed, but not instructed on their issues), and was very aware that LWVWA had a concurrence on the agenda. Ultimately, I was back in Zoom-land, experiencing technical glitches during workshops and spending long hours at the screen. I will long remember the 5:00 AM start on the last day of convention—and how much I respected the west coast delegates who managed to turn their cameras on, ready to go! I was also immensely proud of the LWVWA Local News Committee’s work on the Decline of Local News and Its Impact on Democracy. I was proud, too, of our League leaders, Dee Anne Finken, Shelley Kneip, and Mary Coltrane, who shepherded this study’s concurrence to a successful passage.

    My final and best memory of the 2024 LWVUS Convention is Vallie Needham valiantly making motions to make reproductive rights part of the LWVUS Program. Each time she spoke, she had to give her name and League affiliation. Finally, after four or five times of introducing herself and naming her League, she simply said, “I am still Vallie Needham and I am still from Thurston County.”

    Sally Carpenter Hale, LWV Clark County
    While attending Convention, I was struck by how many Leagues across the country have similar priorities to the Washington Leagues—and what good ideas these Leagues have had to achieve their goals! For example, there are multiple Leagues in California with interesting ideas to engage young voters. These include having high school students on their boards, filling League internships (financed by a Rotary grant), peer-led voter registration drives, and even games! The LWV of Missouri and the Voter Girl project in Ohio have a lot of cool swag (t-shirts, buttons, license plate holders).

    Why should we reinvent when other Leagues have already come up with wonderful ideas that we can borrow? We should all collaborate more! We need a way to easily share these best practices across Leagues nationwide!

    Sally Carpenter Hale

    Sally Carpenter Hale celebrates with her Local News Committee colleagues.

    Notes from LWV Thurston County
    Though the delegates from Thurston County had networked constantly by text prior to the National Convention, those who attended virtually were still quite surprised to see Vallie Needham—who successfully submitted LWV San Juan’s resolution on an updated League position on reproductive rights—at the mic. And not just once, but three times! Needham, along with Eleanor Walters, made sure the virtual delegates from Thurston County (Karen Tvedt and Susan Fiksdal) knew when it was time to vote and what the motion was about. This was crucial because Fiksdal had to set up and tear down the LWV Thurston County booth at the Capital City Pride Celebration that day.

    For those who attended the National Convention in person, the visit to the US Capitol was time well spent. Walters and Needham met with Representative Strickland (LD 10); and Walters also met with Representative Delbene (LD 1). Representative Delbene co-introduced the bipartisan “Community News and Small Business Support Act last year. Walters and Needham are happy to report their League badges and ID pins were noticed and respected at the Capitol!

    Whether they attended in person or virtually, Thurston County’s delegates celebrated the national concurrence of the LWVWA’s local news position. Dee Anne Finken competently fielded questions from the floor with sound rebuttal. The highly effective campaign Finken and the Local News Committee created ensured that delegates understood the position. In person delegates enjoyed the camaraderie of the other League delegates during business meetings and over meals in the culturally diverse DC niche neighborhoods.

    Lobby Day at the U.S. Capitol

    LWV takes over the Capitol! (photo from LWV-US)

    Judy Golberg, LWV Benton/Franklin Counties
    I experienced the LWVUS Convention virtually—and though I know attending virtually did not allow me the same personal connections gained by those who attended in person—the experience was still quite worthwhile.  It wasn’t difficult to attend workshops, the trainings, or the plenary sessions. I found the key to a good experience was doing your homework ahead of time! Voting did prove to be a challenge for some virtual attendees, but most of us had no problems. The workshops I attended included:

    •  “How Can We Disagree Better to Build Trust in Our Democracy,” which offered ideas for modeling good civic behavior and building a civil community.
    • “Turn Up for One Person, One Vote,” where attendees discussed the Electoral College and the popular vote.
    • “Book Banning,” which focused on fighting against the banning of books, censorship, and how to become a library advocate.
    •  “Meet the Candidates,” where we had the opportunity to meet the candidates for the new LWVUS Board, including the new LWVUS President Dianna Wynn.
    • “Rethinking your Webpage,” which discussed using a committee to manage your League’s webpage and learning as you go.
    • “DEI in the Work,” learning and discussing how to build a more diverse League.

    I am happy to answer any specific questions regarding any of these topics, please get in touch with me!

    Cindy Madigan, LWVWA Issue Chair and LWV Bellingham/Whatcom County
    I appreciated the opportunity to travel to Washington DC to serve as a delegate for the 2024 LWVUS Convention. This was my first in-person national convention, and it was so easy to get caught-up in the buzz of League volunteers, staff, and guests from across the country!

    Among many highlights was the successful concurrence vote on the LWVWA local news position. I felt proud to be part of the Washington delegation supporting the Local News Committee that studied this issue, prepared our members for participating in consensus, and effectively reached out to the LWVUS board and other Leagues across the country over the past year. And, of course, this effort culminated in a national League position to address the local news crisis and its impact on our communities and democracy.

    I am eagerly anticipating the recordings for the event! There were so many compelling workshops to choose from, and I want to both refresh myself on the sessions I attended—and catch the ones I missed!

    As many of you know, I’ve been advocating at the local and state level for ranked choice voting in both single and multi-seat elections. Meeting League colleagues from Oregon, California, Florida, and Maine who are also dedicated to this work was a joy! We are building a nationwide grassroots affinity group and resource repository—PRAG-LWV—and actively seeking folks to join us!

    Above all, I felt hopeful hearing and participating thoughtful discussions marked by respect and health disagreement. It was democracy in action. 

    Cindy Madigan

    Cindy Madigan at a plenary session.

  • 09 Jul 2024 11:09 AM | Anonymous

    In previous League communications on the statewide initiatives on the ballot in November, we have focused on why the LWVWA is asking voters to vote NO on I-2109, I-2117, and I-2124. With this communication, we are providing additional resources and background information to support individuals in their own advocacy against these initiatives.  

    Remember: Only authorized individuals can advocate in the name of the League, if you choose to advocate against these initiatives, it must be done as an individual. Additionally, the League’s position on these ballot measures should NOT be shared in settings where the League is doing voter registration, GOTV, or candidate forums. 

    Capital Gains TaxI-2109 

    The nonpartisan Washington Budget and Policy Center, which serves as a valuable fact-based resource, has a comprehensive webpage that explains the capital gains tax as well as offering talking points about the initiative. Key points include the consequences of reducing funding for education and early learning and the fact that the capital gains tax moves Washington state toward a more equitable tax structure by generating funds from a very few people with great wealth. 

    • Join the NO on I-2109 Campaign here. 

    Climate Commitment ActI-2117 

    Climate and Energy Issue Chair, Martin Gibbons, has provided an excellent PowerPoint presentation about the Climate Commitment Act and I-2117. 

    Additionally, the WA State Medical Association has resources to explain why the potential repeal of the Climate Commitment Act is a critical public health issue. 

    • Join the NO on I-2117 Campaign here. 

    WA Cares ProgramI-2124 

    The nonpartisan Economic Opportunity Institute provides excellent information about the WA Cares Program and why allowing people to opt out would be expensive for the state of Washington. 

    • Join the NO on I-2124 Campaign here.
  • 09 Jul 2024 10:49 AM | Anonymous
    The Lobby Team needs you! If you are vitally interested in a topic, do consider working with the Team.
    We often hear, “I can’t do that!” But you can. The Lobby Team has positions for all types of skills and temperaments. If you don’t want to testify or meet with legislators, we need help with research and writing—become an Advocate, the people who support our Issue Chairs.  

    But we also provide training if you would like to be a full-fledged Issue Chair, the name for our volunteer lobbyists. Issue Chairs convey information about their issues to League members, state legislators, and other organizations in coalitions the League joins. Issue Chairs stay up to date on state policy and advocate at the legislature based on League positions.   

    Consider the range of issues in the LWVWA Program in Action (see page 4 for a list of positions). Right now, we are particularly seeking Issue Chairs for healthcare and children’s programs, but all of our Issue Chairs can use more Advocates! Some of our Issue Chairs are seeking League members to train to take over the Issue Chair role from those who’ve been doing it a long time.

    Becoming a Lobby Team member is a great opportunity to learn more about important issues while helping the League impact them. Your skills, expertise, and time can make a significant difference!

    For more information, or to volunteer, contact Cynthia Stewart, LWVWA Advocacy Chair.

    This Month with the Lobby Team

    The Lobby Team works throughout the year, not just during the state legislative session. But the work is different between sessions (the “interim”). This month, the Team is having its retreat to plan upcoming Action Workshops for the Fall, share information about issues, and discuss how to improve our communications with League members. If you have suggestions on the latter, please contact Cynthia Stewart.

    Watch for more information about the upcoming Action Workshops in the next issue of In League. 
  • 09 Jul 2024 10:08 AM | Anonymous

    On the morning of June 29, League delegates from across the country gathered in Washington DC for the Saturday plenary session at the LWVUS National Convention. They came together in the Hilton’s sprawling International Ballroom, where nationally recognized journalists, Hollywood’s elite, and high-ranking government and elected officials—including the US President—gather every spring for the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. It’s a big deal; a gala affair with attendees saluting the courage and tenacity of dedicated news professionals, raising money for scholarships and, of course, roasting the commander in chief.   

    Likewise, what happened the last weekend in June in that same room also was a big deal. With overwhelming support, League delegates voted to adopt the LWVWA’s position on Local News and Democracy. This move empowers League members throughout the country—at the local, state, and national levels—to advocate for local news.  

    The LWVWA could take its position to the National League Convention on this very special weekend because of you, the members of local Leagues throughout Washington State. Your support in the form of encouragement, last year’s consensus on the position, and financial assistance combined to make the weekend the success it was.    

    The Local News and Democracy Concurrence Motion on the big screen at Convention

    The Local News and Democracy Concurrence Motion on the big screen at Convention

    All the members of the Local News team are grateful for your support—the encouragement and “atta-girls” we received—kept us going, particularly when the going got tough.

    The concurrence vote your support made possible gives League members nationwide a tool to rally behind legislation and programs designed to bolster the local news ecosystem, making it possible for voters to be more informed, for the public to know better what’s happening in the halls of government and to expand awareness that might start chipping away at the political divide that threatens our democracy.  

    After a break, the Local News team will renew its efforts, including the promotion of media literacy and awareness. If you’d like to participate, please contact Dee Anne Finken, Chair of the Local News and Democracy Committee. 

    The Local News and Democracy Concurrence Motion on the big screen at Convention


  • 12 Jun 2024 11:34 AM | Anonymous

    The 2024 LWVWA Council has come and gone, and we had a blast!

    This year we were pleased to be able to offer both in-person and virtual options to participate in Council, and it's clear how much League members love to gather in-personalmost all of our attendees came down to Lacey this year to participate in-person.

    A popular highlight for folks at Council this year was the Civics Bowl Competition held with dinner on Saturday night. League members were able to flex their civic knowledge and enjoy a spirited (but friendly) competition about something near and dear to all of our hearts. A big thank you to Karen Crowley and her excellent game show hosting skills! She really ensured the evening was a highly entertaining affair.

    Other highlights include the insightful Keynote Speech delivered by Squaxin Tribal Chief Kris Peters and a lunch session discussing Dr. Carolyn Jefferson-Jenkins' book The Untold Story of Women of Color in the League of Women Voters. Jefferson-Jenkins is a former two-term LWVUS President.

    This year Council included two Plenary Sessions to elect new Board memberswith sessions on Saturday and Sunday morning. Virtual and in-person attendees engaged in a lively and important discussion about Staying Nonpartisan in Partisan Times, emphasizing its vital importance to the League's efforts during the 2024 Election.

    We also had a packed workshop schedule, with nine separate workshops scheduled throughout Saturday. These workshops included:

  • 12 Jun 2024 11:11 AM | Anonymous

    The final session of the 2024 LWVWA Council was aimed at helping League members be more confident in remaining nonpartisan in increasingly partisan times. LWVWA President Mary Coltrane opened the session, noting that research done by Washington State University indicates that the League is not generally viewed as nonpartisan by the public. On top of this challenge, many League members report that defending democracy, while embracing nonpartisanship, raises a myriad of difficult questions.

    As the final session continued, panel members Karen Tvedt, Ellie Hutton, and Jean Alliman teed-up questions about what nonpartisanship means as Leagues host candidate forums, conduct studies, protect our legacy, recruit leadership (and membership), and establish leadership teams to serve in lieu of local League presidents. Through these discussions, two premises emerged:

    1. Promoting democracy and empowering voters is the foundation of the League of Women Voters—and they are non-negotiable.

    2. Clearly differentiating between the League’s voter services work and its advocacy work is critical. This includes remembering that advocacy is not our purpose during our voter education activities, such as GOTV tabling or conducting candidate forums.

    While the League is not responsible for rising political polarization in the US—and the redefining of terms like “democracy” or “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)” in increasingly partisan ways—there was agreement among members that the League’s effectiveness can be increased by minimizing the appearance of partisanship. Some suggestions to do this included:

    1. Ensuring that candidate forums are civil and inclusive. This includes using skillful moderators and broad outreach for questions—especially including those of concern to local communities. To this end, some members advocated for in-person forums with questions coming from the audience. Other members noted “empty chair” concerns and the need to create environments that promote participation by candidates.

    2. Honing our listening skills to further civil conversations and relationships with those who hold differing views. This includes being aware of words that can be triggers.

    3. Making sure our members, particularly new members, are conversant with our nonpartisan and conflict of interest policies. The distinction between voter service and advocacy work is especially important—we need to be “speaking with one voice.”

    4. Highlighting the work we do that resonates across the political divide—like promoting local news and our elder caregiving study.

    In conclusion, against the backdrop of our evolving politics, questions around nonpartisanship will continue to surface, and such open discussions are needed on regular basis within the League of Women Voters, at all its levels.

  • 12 Jun 2024 10:57 AM | Anonymous

    After four years of challenging work, the team members of the LWVWA’s “Public Hospital District Civics Education Project” have wrapped up the live outreach and presentation phase of their project.

    The Public Hospital District Civics Education Project was approved by the membership at the 2021 LWVWA Convention. The purpose of the project is to educate League members, and the public, about the nature and operation of Washington’s Public Hospital Districts (PHD). As local, voter-approved governmental entities, PHDs are not well understood—but they offer tremendous opportunities for input from the public about their healthcare options.

    Between the LWVWA’s 2021 Convention and 2024 Council the PHD Civics Ed Project team organized itself statewide; set performance goals; surveyed existing awareness of WA PHDs statewide; and developed educational materials corresponding to the needs it uncovered, as well as in the media forms preferred by those surveyed.  The team combined all the above work into its one-hour introductory webinar, “PHD 101,” and facilitated successful presentations to numerous League audiences across the state.

    For those who were not able to attend a webinar—or would like to use it to continue educating members and the public on PHDs—a recording of a presentation and all of the project’s PHD-related materials can still be accessed here. These materials include:

    1. A recording of the one-hour “PHD 101” webinar. The presentation introduces League members, and the public, to the Public Hospital Districts of Washington and how local PHDs might address identified gaps in healthcare.

    2. The PHD Formation Toolkit, which offers a self-study guide and other resources for learning about how Washington’s PHDs are formed.

    The PHD Civics Ed Project team is grateful to the LWVWA Board and Project Liaison Dee Ann Kline for their support of the project; to the LWVWA Foundation Board for its financial subsidy of the webinar production; to LWVWA member Susan Daniel for her superb narration of our webinar script; and to the LWVWA Administrative Director Amy Peloff for her helpful and timely technical support.

    Additionally, Project Chair Nancy Field (LWV Clallam County) would like to recognize the hard work and tremendous collegial spirit of the League members who contributed their invaluable work during the project’s lifetime. Special thanks to Cynthia Stewart (LWV Tacoma/Pierce County), Jody Disney (LWV Thurston County), Mary Lynne Courtney (LWV Bellingham/Whatcom County), and Tricia Grantham (LWV Pullman/Whitman County).

  • 12 Jun 2024 10:10 AM | Anonymous

    In Star Trek, a “mind meld” is a kind of telepathic touch that enables the rapid sharing of knowledge and experience. Unfortunately for (at least most of) us, we are neither telepathic nor within touching distance of each other, so we have created a MELD Network* to provide a mechanism to better share tools, methods, practices, and accomplishments across the state with each other.  

    The “League Mind MELD” column is a way to share even more information to all our members across the state. This column will run each month and will include the responses we receive to the questions posed at the end of the previous month’s column.   

    June’s MELD Moment
    In one sense, the LWVWA 2024 Council could be described as a giant MELD gathering—as its focus was on Membership, Engagement, Leadership, and Development.

    At Council, members engaged with one another and discussed the various ways they hold their member orientations and welcome new members. As well as how they hold social events, training for League activities, their leadership models, and how they develop leaders withing their League.

    There were three workshops that delved deeper into the “who,” “how,” and “why” folks engage with their members and their community at large. Talks about what DEI means to specific Leagues, and how they incorporate DEI into their League’s work occurred. Different models of leadership, as well as how they are working or not working, were discussed. Workshop panelists described how they identify and develop leaders—from the beginning when they join the League, to identifying their interests and figuring out ways to involve them, to helping them grow with the League. And, of course, since the League is also a “people business,” tips on how to address the challenges and conflicts that come up as we work were also offered.

    The 2024 LWVWA Council offered plenty of opportunities to meet new friends, learn new ideas, and share valuable information and experiences. We also came away with a renewed understanding and sense of nonpartisanship—what it means and why it’s an important part of our work as we navigate an increasingly partisan culture.

    In future MELD meetings, our MELD pods will continue to explore many of the topics that came up during Council. We hope you will join us!

    The League Mind MELD
    Last month we asked, “do you have a relationship with your local library and museum?” and it turns out the WA Leagues do have strong bonds with the libraries in their communities! With the new partnership between LWVUS and the American Library Association, these ties will likely become even stronger.

    The connections between local Leagues and libraries ranged from access to meeting rooms to activities and programs focused on civics education and voter registration to community forums and much more. Increasingly, Leagues are also partnering with their local museums to create historical displays, programs, and community forums.  These projects range from covering women’s history with programs like local women’s history walks to “League Nights at the Museum.”

    A crucial part of our work is the connections the League can make with those around us, and the positive impact we can have because of those connections. And we’re seeing that local Leagues around Washington are working hard to build these connections!

    For June's MELD questions, we are hoping to strengthen the LWVWA's communication with our members and local Leagues. To inform those communications, please answer the questions below.

    June's questions:

    1. What does the LWVWA do for your League?
    2. What do you wish the LWVWA would or could do?

    For more details about the MELD workshops held at the 2024 LWVWA Council, or about MELD pods, please contact Nancy Halvorson. And don’t forget to send your answers to June’s question to Nancy as well!

    * In the context of the League, MELD actually has zero connection to Star Trek; it is an acronym for Membership, Engagement, Leadership, and Development. MELD pods meet each month to serve as platforms for sharing successes, addressing challenges, and exchanging ideas among local Leagues. Are you interested in learning more about MELD? Talk to your Local League Leadership about becoming involved in MELD. Are you interested in learning more about MELD? Talk to your Local League Leadership about becoming involved in MELD.

  • 08 May 2024 9:40 AM | Anonymous
    The LWVWA Biennial Council will be Friday, May 31 to Sunday, June 2 and we can't wait to gather 'in League!' If you haven't already, make sure you register.

    This year, we have a wide selection of workshops scheduled, with eleven workshops folks can choose to attend. Below you will find the full list of the workshops with a brief description of each.

    Elevator Speeches and Testifying for Local News and Democracy
    Organizer: Dee Anne Finken (LWVWA)

    This caucus is geared towards empowering delegates for the 2024 LWVUS Convention to support concurrence on the Local News and Democracy position. This workshop will be hands-on and interactive, providing the opportunity to practice writing and delivering "elevator speeches" and testimony for the LWVUS Convention. Attendees will walk away from this caucus prepared to be a confident delegate.

    Immigration and Immigrant Policy
    Organizer: Susan Martin (LWV San Juan County)

    Immigration is one of the leading policy issues in the 2024 election. This workshop will provide an overview of immigration in WA Stateincluding numbers of immigrants, as well as their geographic distribution, socioeconomic status, legal status, and more. The current LWVUS and LWVWA positions on immigration will also be discusses, as well as recent and proposed legislative actions on immigration reform at the state and national levels. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the LWVWA study "Immigration and Immigrant Integration in Washington."

    What Does Serving on the LWVWA Board of Directors Involve and Require?
    Organizer: Jean Alliman (LWV Spokane Area)

    This workshop will provide attendees with an informal opportunity to ask questions about the responsibilities and expectations for those who serve on the LWVWA's Board of Directors. We aim to empower members who want to serve on the Board to apply themselves, or to nominate other members that could help the Board shape the LWVWA's future.

    What are the Keys to Getting The State We're In: WA into Schools Across Washington?
    Organizer: Karen Verrill (LWVWA), Bonnie Bless-Boenish and Jean Snider will also help lead the discussion.

    Civic education should inspire students to be active, informed citizens. This is what our civics textbook does! The State We're In: Washington is a tremendous aid in creating a well-informed and voting public. The books are now available in both English and Spanish for elementary, middle, and high school classrooms, however, getting those books into classrooms is often a struggle. This workshop will provide a lively discussion about how to help connect students to our valuable textbooks. Attendees will learn from teachers how to effectively approach schools, school districts, and libraries to increase the distribution of our book. Ideas for increasing the visibility of these books availability will also be discussed.

    Treasurer Affinity Group: Transformational Journey
    Organizer: Dee Kline Parkinson (LWV Mason County)

    This workshop will continue to build on our work on the financial portion of the LWV Transformational Journey. It's suitable for Local League Treasurers, Presidents, Roster Managers, and Webmasters.

    Got Any Plans for NVRD? Here’s What’s Happening…!
    Organizer: Jeanne Crevier (LWV Snohomish County)

    This workshop is geared toward demonstrating the possibilities of teaming up with Evergreen Goodwill and Common Power to reach traditionally marginalized communities and young votersjust in time for National Voter Registration Day (NVRD)! For four years, LWV Snohomish has partnered with Goodwill and Common Power for a multi-day voter registration and information event that culminates in a large registration push on NVRD. This year NVRD is on September 17 and events wills be held in 12 Goodwill stores throughout King, Snohomish, Skagit, Whatcom, and Kitsap Counties. We hope to take it statewide next year! Join us as we showcase this work, highlight the successes, and outline our plans for the 2024 NVRD voter registration event.

    Collaborative Leadership Structures
    Organizer: Susan Fiksdal (LWV Thurston County)

    This workshop will focus on collaborative leadership structures as a response to the difficulties in finding members to serve in the role of local League President. LWV Thurston County was unable to find a member willing to serve as president, and instead formed a leadership team which is expected to be elected at their annual meeting. Attendees will discuss experiences, ideas, and advice related to collaborative leadership structures.

    Indian Nations’ Federal Recognition Issues: Chinook Tribe
    Organizer: Susan Fleming (LWV Clark County)

    Treaties, laws and court actions have created a labyrinth of regulations for tribes to navigate, and which also compromise their independence and rights. This workshop will focus on how the Chinook Tribe has been impacted in WA and OR and how their situation can be improved.

    Redistricting Reform Putting People First
    Organizer: Alison McCaffree (LWVWA)

    As a result of the Soto Palmer v. Hobbs lawsuit, new legislative maps have been drawn. It's impacts include a new districtintended to provide better representation for Latino votersas well as moving nearly half a million people to different legislative districts and displacing 5 current legislators. The LWVWA believes the uncertainty caused by this lawsuit illustrates the need to change our state’s redistricting process, and workshop attendees will hear from the LWVWA Redistricting Reform Task Force about the new 2024 legislative map boundaries and how proposed reform efforts will reduce similar turmoil for voters. A People First Redistricting Commission would minimize partisan influences and emphasize a consensus around what’s best for all communities. Come find out how you can help make this new commission a reality.

    Explore a Democracy Scorecard Project for Washington State
    Organizer: Linnea Hirst (LWVWA)

    Biannually, the LWV of Maine produces the "Maine Report Card," which assesses the effectiveness of the democratic processes in Maine. Their evaluations are based on publicly available data. This workshop will discuss bringing a similar project to the state of Washington. Attendees will discuss what measures of the democratic processes should be used in Washington. This discussion will include the relevance of the measures used by Maine, as well as the possibility of partnering with other non-profits who focus on the effectiveness of democratic institutions.

    Civics Comes Alive!
    Organizer: Barbara Tengtio (LWV Seattle/King County)

    This workshop will focus on LWV Seattle/King County's "Civics and You!" project. "Civics and You!" is a civics education program developed by LWV Seattle/King County and Inglemoor High School's Social Studies Teacher, A. Baker. It consists of student-led forums and practice voting and was utilized during the fall of 2023. The teaching module is available on LWV Seattle/King County's website.

The League of Women Voters of Washington is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.
The League of Women Voters of Washington Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. LWVWA Education Fund contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. The League of Women Voters Education Fund does not endorse the contents of any web pages to which it links.

League of Women Voters of the United States

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