It is time to begin the work of planning the LWVWA's Program of Work for the next biennium!
In the League of Women Voters, the "program" is the educational and advocacy platform adopted biennially to advance the League's mission of "Empowering Voters and Defending Democracy." The biennial planning for the Program of Work is the grassroots process for identifying the work needed to achieve this mission. The LWVWA's Program—like all League action, advocacy, and education—is grounded in our positions and principles. That's why our work, especially our advocacy work, requires member understanding and agreement. Learn more about this process on our website.
During the next few months, members of Washington's local Leagues will have opportunities to participate in the consensus process for the current studies and plan the Program of Work that will be adopted at the LWVWA Convention in June 2025. Members will be notified of the recommended Program at least 40 days prior to Convention.
Please note: Local League proposals for the LWVWA Program must be submitted no later than March 6.
Please contact Shelley Kneip with any questions or for more information.