The League Mind MELD: LWVUS Convention, Candidate Forums, and more!

10 Jul 2024 12:28 PM | Anonymous

In Star Trek, a “mind meld” is a kind of telepathic touch that enables the rapid sharing of knowledge and experience. Unfortunately for (at least most of) us, we are neither telepathic nor within touching distance of each other, so we have created a MELD Network* to provide a mechanism to better share tools, methods, practices, and accomplishments across the state with each other.  

The “League Mind MELD” column is a way to share even more information to all our members across the state. This column will run each month and will include the responses we receive to the questions posed at the end of the previous month’s column.

 July’s MELD Moment
Following the 2024 LWVUS Convention, MELD Pods are busy delving into what was shared, learned, and explored during the national gathering of Leagues. Across the country, Leagues have developed effective strategies, eye-catching SWAG, tabling best practices, and innovative GOTV ideas—what strategies and methods can be used in our Leagues? What new partnerships can we develop? Of course, there is also excitement among the Pods about the Local News Study being adopted by LWVUS and the approval of the Reproductive Rights Resolution (co-sponsored by LWVWA) and the Immigration Resolution (co-sponsored by LWV San Juans).

At home, local Leagues have been sharing their DEI statements with each other and LWV Snohomish is publishing their DEI statement in Spanish. As we approach the August Primary (and even the General Election in November), members are hard at work on their candidate forums. And there have been three forums for state-wide offices hosted by the LWVWA and various local Leagues—the Superintendent of Public Instruction (with LWV Spokane Area), State Attorney General (with LWV Benton/Franklin), and the upcoming Commissioner of Public Lands forum (with LWV Clark County). Likewise, MELD Pods will now be shifting focus to the serious and detailed work of League GOTV and registration events prior to the General Election.

The League Mind MELD
Last month we asked what the LWVWA is currently doing to support Leagues across the state, and what members wished the LWVWA could or would start doing. We got a lot of great responses to these questions—here are just a few of them:

What does the LWVWA do for your League?

  • Provide resources: civics ed grants, liability insurance, Affinity Groups, and guidance on how to use the LWVWA positions to advocate

  • Provide education and opportunities to take action: Action Workshops, affinity groups, Lobby Day and Lobby Week.

What do you wish the LWVWA would or could do?

  • “Nuts and bolts” support: C3 accounting monthly and quarterly and annual candidate forum workshops.

  • Recruitment aids: Resources like recruitment brochure templates or ready-made recruitment messaging.

  • Social media support: graphics toolkits and templates, posting schedules.

July’s questions:

  1. What is your League's favorite GOTV or Voter Services event (past or current events)?
  2. Do you see the value in continuing to open meetings with Land Acknowledgements? Why or why not? (Note: this question comes as a result of comments made by various tribal members in Washington).
For more details about the MELD Pods or their work, please contact Nancy Halvorson. And don’t forget to send your answers to July’s question to Nancy as well!

* In the context of the League, MELD actually has zero connection to Star Trek; it is an acronym for Membership, Engagement, Leadership, and Development. MELD pods meet each month to serve as platforms for sharing successes, addressing challenges, and exchanging ideas among local Leagues. Are you interested in learning more about MELD? Talk to your Local League Leadership about becoming involved in MELD. Are you interested in learning more about MELD? Talk to your Local League Leadership about becoming involved in MELD.

The League of Women Voters of Washington is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.
The League of Women Voters of Washington Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. LWVWA Education Fund contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. The League of Women Voters Education Fund does not endorse the contents of any web pages to which it links.

League of Women Voters of the United States

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