LWVWA Research Findings: PART I—Recruitment

08 Jun 2023 6:34 AM | Anonymous

The LWVWA Research Committee, in collaboration with Washington State University, is completing a multi-year assessment of how well LWVWA is meeting its strategic goals. This assessment is based upon the views of its members and its external groups. This is the first of several articles that will summarize these findings and pose questions about the implications to League operations.

The findings are grouped into five categories: Recruitment, Retention and Participation, Community Impacts, Awareness of League and its Activities, and Legislative and Regulatory Impact. These articles are written to stimulate discussion at the local and state League level about using these results to strengthen League goals regarding impact, membership and capacity. They are not intended to be prescriptive nor directive—only thought-provoking.


Membership profile:

  • 92% of members have a Bachelor’s or higher degree
  • 77% members joined the League between the ages of 41-80 (18% joined between 26-40 years old)
  • 2% of members are under 26 years of age
  • 2% of members are male
  • 74% of members were not born in Washington.

Being a welcoming, diverse organization is a goal of the League. There are almost 30 types of diversity identified in the League's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policy. What does diversity mean in your League and what are ways to address implementing the DEI policy? What is the effect of the current demographics on the League’s effectiveness in accomplishing its democracy mission? (Note: “Valuing diversity means recognizing differences among people, acknowledging that these differences are a valued asset, and striving for diverse representation as a critical step toward equity” from the Conscious Style Guide .)

Reasons to join the League:

Members joined to

  • carry out a civic responsibility
  • to be part of work empowering voters and defending democracy.
  • because they value democratic principles, protecting voting rights, educating voters and conducting activities in a non-partisan way.

How can the League build on these values to attract more members who share them? What guardrails need to be reinforced to maintain the non-partisanship reputation of the League? What activities does the League need to be particularly vigilant about to maintain its non-partisanship values? Do the League adequately communicate the League values to attract new members?

Timing of joining League:

Members joined

  • due to an invitation from a friend or through a League event
  • because of a general interest in politics or a particular issue
  • because of a specific political issue or election
  • because of a life changing event, such as retirement when they were looking to meet new members and engage in meaningful work after moving into the state.

How can Leagues expand the one-to-one connection that attracts new members to events? Where are there opportunities to connect with new residents, particularly those who have recently retired? How do we channel new members’ enthusiasm with issue-specific interests without exceeding League capabilities nor diverting or diluting the League’s focus?

The League of Women Voters of Washington is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.
The League of Women Voters of Washington Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. LWVWA Education Fund contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. The League of Women Voters Education Fund does not endorse the contents of any web pages to which it links.

League of Women Voters of the United States

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