Resources from National

18 May 2022 2:04 PM | Deleted user

LWVUS Board Recommended Program for 2022-2024 

The LWVUS board is recommending readopting the Campaign for Making Democracy Work as the LWV program for 2022–2024. More than 300 Leagues participated in the LWVUS program planning process, and the Leagues unanimously voted for the LWVUS to continue prioritizing the Campaign for Making Democracy Work in the next biennium. Leagues also had the opportunity to indicate if there was another position or policy that the LWVUS should work on. Staff will use those recommendations to shape the watchdog issues for the LWVUS to respond to. Leagues proposing "not recommended" or other items need to follow the requirements outlined in LWVUS Bylaw XII Principles and Program Sec. 2(c). The Program Planning Committee will host a webinar to explain the proposed program in more detail. A new platform has been created for the LWVUS and Leagues proposing studies and concurrences to post information on their proposals and for all League members to review and engage in discussion. For questions, email 

When Candidates Refuse to Participate in Voter Education Opportunities 

Every year, Leagues hold hundreds of candidate debates and forums and produce hundreds of voter guides to help voters learn about the candidates on their ballot. Unfortunately, some candidates refuse to participate in these voter education activities and call into question the League’s reputation. Read the League's guidance to help shape the public narrative and news coverage of these situations. 

Be Safe When You Protest 

These past few weeks have been difficult. A Supreme Court opinion threatening reproductive care and jeopardizing personal civil liberties was leaked. As an organization that believes in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy, we will fight to preserve the individual rights of women to make their own reproductive choices. The League asks you to join us in amplifying the work of trusted organizations with years of advocacy and expertise in the reproductive justice movement. For those of you joining League partners in action, please stay safe and prepare with our protest safety guidance. Additionally, we are already starting to see mis- and disinformation taking hold in conversations around this opinion. The League strongly encourages you to share updates from trusted resources only and lift up the voices of leaders in this space. The League of Women Voters stands with our allies to protect women’s access to care and encourages you to show up in solidarity. Our democracy depends on it. 

Apply to Attend the COP27 UN Climate Conference in Egypt 

Apply now to attend the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, Nov. 7–18, 2022. The deadline to apply is July 1. To request an application form or learn more, please contact Robin Tokmakian at This is a self-funded opportunity. 

Miscellaneous Resources 

  • Legislative Office Hours Landing Page: Everything you need to know about the LWVUS Legislative Office Hours. 

  • Evaluation Training Series Page: Contains new materials, including a PDF of answers to chat questions and feedback from the first session. 

  • Election Preparation Toolkit: Everything you need to prepare for this year’s election season, including helpful resources on public education, outreach, and action. 

  • Structure Transformation Plan: A set of proposals that seek to grow League membership in number and diversity, strengthen our grassroots power, and bolster our ability to empower voters and defend democracy. 

  • Blog: Being an Election Worker: 101, presented by Pinny Sheoran (LWV of Arizona), Isabel Longoria (LWV of Houston), and Debra Cronmiller (LWV of Wisconsin). 

The League of Women Voters of Washington is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.
The League of Women Voters of Washington Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. LWVWA Education Fund contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. The League of Women Voters Education Fund does not endorse the contents of any web pages to which it links.

League of Women Voters of the United States

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