Earth Day 2022—Invest in Our Planet

20 Apr 2022 12:14 PM | Deleted user

By Cynthia Stewart, Transportation Issue Chair, LWV of Washington 

Every year since 1970, Earth Day has been celebrated on April 22. This year, the theme is “Invest in Our Planet.” Never has it been more critical that we do so. Rising temperatures, droughts, massive storms, floods, diminishing glaciers, wildfires, and more have demonstrated that the Earth as we know it is changing rapidly; we must act now, and we must act decisively. 

Recent state investments in our planet have included the following major actions: 

  • A shift in transportation priorities, since transportation is the biggest single greenhouse gas emission (GHG) generator in Washington; these include emphasis on electrification and increasing transit and active transportation opportunities. 

  • Adoption of the Climate Commitment Act, which directs a variety of programs to guide implementation in achieving new emission standards. 

  • Changes in building standards to reduce GHG emissions, since buildings contribute 20% of GHG releases in Washington. 

  • New energy efficiency standards for appliances and methane reduction strategies. 

Local Leagues are investing in our planet as well.  For example: 

  • The Bellingham-Whatcom County League hosted a program “It’s Our Earth, Let’s Save It” in honor of the 52nd Earth Day that included discussions of climate legislative successes and the problem with plastics. 

  • The Snohomish County League continues its work to preserve and expand tree canopies. 

  • The Tacoma-Pierce County League is focusing on comprehensive plans and how climate mitigation, transit, and other necessary changes are incorporated into the 2024 updates. 

  • The Spokane Area League is sponsoring Regenerative Agriculture 101 to introduce the concept and practice of regenerative agriculture, solutions to mitigate environmental issues such as soil degradation, erosion, drought, and carbon sequestration. 

  • The Thurston County League has worked for several years on climate issues and has held public forums on a water study to determine how the quantity and quality of water in their county can best be protected. 

Many say that it takes big systems, rather than individual actions, to change the direction of our environment and the changing climate. However, if we don’t act individually to force the big system changes and model the behaviors that we want to see, the system change just won’t happen—at least, not fast enough. 

So how can you, as a League member, invest in our planet? Here are some ideas: 

Thank you for whatever you choose to do! 

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