VOTE411 Voter Guide Platform Training
The LWVUS has announced the launch of VOTE411’s brand new voter guide technology and platform, which all Leagues will use to complete their 2022 voter guides. In preparation for this new platform, the LWVUS is holding multiple webinar trainings over the next two months. Learn about the new platform and ask questions about the technology or the VOTE411 program in general. These webinars are for both current VOTE411 Leagues and Leagues that have never used the platform before—if you’re curious and want to learn more, register now! Platform trainings will be held on the following dates, with registration required. You need only register for one training, as all trainings are the same.
Saturday, Nov. 20, 9 a.m. PT
Tuesday, Dec. 7, 9 a.m. PT
Thursday, Dec. 9, 3 p.m. PT
Thursday, Dec. 16, noon PT
Saturday, Dec. 18, 9 a.m. PT
Tuesday, Dec. 28, 11 a.m. PT
Thursday, Jan. 6, 3 p.m. PT
Sign Up for VOTE411 Voter Guide Program
Will your community have elections during the 2022 cycle? If so, sign up to join the VOTE411 voter guide program (on the brand new technology)! Join nearly 500 other Leagues across the country in providing millions of voters with the candidate and ballot information they need to successfully cast their ballot! If you have any questions about VOTE411, please contact Isamar Garcia-Hernandez,
LWV November Community Call
Join the monthly LWVUS community space to hear directly from Leagues across the country, Tuesday, Nov. 30, at 2 p.m. PT. Registration required.
Local Leagues: Don’t Forget to Complete the LWVUS Semi-Annual Survey
It’s time for the LWVUS semi-annual survey! Your local League’s participation in the survey helps the national League better understand League activities and priorities, with the goal of effectively telling the League’s impact story. By showing our impact, we strengthen our brand, position the organization to remain relevant for the next 100 years, and garner more resources to support our initiatives and spread our message. Make sure your local League completes the Winter 2021 Semi-Annual Survey. Since Leagues may need input from different members to fill out this survey, to help determine who in your League might need to provide information, a Word version of the survey is available on the League Management site, along with more information and resources about the project. The survey closes on Friday, Dec. 10, 2021. For questions, contact Amilcar Guzman at
2022 Youth Voter Registration Grant
The League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) announced a 2022 Youth Voter Registration project. The LWVEF will award pass-through grants to state and local Leagues to undertake voter registration activities at high schools, community colleges, and/or technical and vocational schools. Grant applications are due by midnight on November 30, 2021, and grant decisions will be announced in December. Grants will only be considered for Leagues engaging at least five schools within the grant year (January – June 2022). Leagues must agree to undertake activities in a nonpartisan fashion and to collect contact information from registrants, as allowable, in order to conduct get-out-the-vote follow up. Apply for the 2022 Youth Voter Registration Grant. If you have any questions, contact
2022 New Citizens Voter Registration Grant
The League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) is pleased to announce a 2022 New Citizens Voter Registration Project. The LWVEF will award pass-through grants to state and local Leagues to undertake voter registration activities at naturalization ceremonies. Grant applications are due by midnight on November 30, 2021, and grant decisions will be announced in December. Grants will only be considered for Leagues engaging at least five new citizen events within the grant year (January–November 2022). Leagues must agree to undertake activities in a nonpartisan fashion and must also agree to collect contact information from registrants, as allowable, in order to conduct get-out-the-vote follow up. Apply for the 2022 New Citizens Voter Registration Grant. If you have any questions, contact
First Call for the LWVUS 55th Annual Convention
Next year’s LWVUS Convention will be held in Denver, June 23-26, 2022, and will be both in-person and virtual. More information to come.
2022 Program Planning Leaders Guide Now Available!
As the first step in the program process that will culminate in adoption of the LWVUS organization-wide program at the 2022 Convention, the Program Planning Leaders Guide and the 2022 Program Planning Survey response form are now available for Leagues to use at their program planning meetings in early 2022. The input of League boards will help shape the proposed program of study and action that will be debated and voted on by convention delegates. Program planning forms must be returned online by Tuesday, March 1, 2022. Each League is entitled to one response, and individual member responses are not accepted For questions about program planning, email