by Mary Coltrane, LWVWA 1st Vice President, Program Chair
Consensus meetings are happening for The Decline of Local News and Its Impact on Democracy study during February. I hope you’re planning to take part! Local Leagues will host consensus meetings, after which each League will organize member views, based on the study findings, into a consensus statement from their League. The state League will develop a position based on local League consensus statements.
The state League is hosting two discussion leader trainings to assist in getting to consensus. If you are a discussion leader for your League, or would like to know more about how this works, please join us:
The consensus questions have been posted on the Members Only Local News Study site. You will have to login to access the site; if you have forgotten your password or need assistance, there are instructions when you attempt to login.
We recognize you are busy. We’d like you to be able to participate in the consensus process for the study even if you can’t read the full report. Please check out this two-minute video for how you can be well versed enough to participate by focusing on key pages in the report. And please take a look at the page numbers referenced in each of the questions. You will find a discussion related to the question topic on those page numbers.