Membership and Leadership Development Training
September 8 – 10, 2017
What a deal!
Your State League is investing in you and your local League by underwriting a substantial portion of conference expenses to make your registration affordable.
LWVUS trainers coming to you!
Be there!
Who: Local league MLD team members, coaches, representatives from state board, state coordinators
What: Practical and actionable ideas to enhance your League’s visibility and grow membership
When: Friday, September 8, 2017 start 5:45 PM Friday (dinner brought in) Sunday, September 10, 2017 at 11 AM.
Where: Holiday Inn Express, 2333 NW Vaughn, Portland, OR 97210
Cost: $100 registration/person – includes training, Fri & Sat nights lodging (whether hotel or homestay), Friday dinner, Saturday lunch and breakfasts.
Lodging: Shared hotel rooms or a limited number of private room homestays (League members’ homes)

Hotel reservations will be made by LWV State Office. Hotel check-in time is 4 pm.
Note: Dine-around Saturday evening dinner (in restaurants) will be at individual’s own expense.
Please register using this online form. You can pay online or print invoice to send check payment due to LWVWA no later than AUGUST 1, 2017.
Registration Questions:
Jennifer N. Brown, Administrator, jbrown@lwvwa.org
Training Questions:
Mary Wilson, t3wilson@aol.com
Judy Golberg, jgolberg@charter.net