OMG! The League of Women Voters has been doing A LOT across Washington state as we lead up to the 2024 election. From tabling for voter registration and education, to serving as election observers, and, of course, hosting candidate forums and debates—local Leagues are stepping up to empower voters and defend democracy. This election season, Leagues are being called on to do all of these things and more to help voters in Washington. Crucially, much of this work has been aimed at young voters and high schoolers. It's a lot, but well worth the effort. Please take a moment to thank yourselves and each other for all this great work!
At the LWVWA, there is also much going on. Four general election debates are posted on our website, along with the list of questions that were asked during the events. The debates were for Superintendent of Public Instruction, Commissioner of Public Lands, Secretary of State, and U.S. Senate.
What stands out about League debates is the quality of the questions. Guidance from the League of Women Voters of the United States has done much to ensure our questions aren't "gotcha" questions, but instead apply to the job being sought, stick to one topic, and represent the interests and concerns of the community at large. This makes for a great debate. I recall hearing a League member once say "great questions make great debates." So true!
The LWVWA is also working to make sure the community knows that Vote411 is available as a resource for voters. We recently sent an email to League friends and members asking for their help in nudging candidates to answer questions for the League's nonpartisan voter guide. Here are some stats from that effort:
- Vote411, the League's online candidate guide, hosts 615 candidates. These candidates represent every race in Washington state—from cemetery district to President. No matter where you live in Washington, you can access important voter information on Vote411.
- Of the 615 candidates included in the guide, 334 failed to respond. We targeted 132 of those candidates in 105 races—those who were running for state-wide races (9 candidates), Congress, and the state legislature. These candidates are who we asked you to reach out to.
- You sent out an overall total of 1,100 emails asking candidates to complete the League's questionnaire, and as a result, many of the candidates did fill out the questionnaire. Thank you! Though there remains work to do, this is one of the best responses we've gotten in our efforts to nudge candidates to participate in this important voter resource.
Thank you to all who helped nudge the candidates! If you would like to jump in on this effort, there is still time. Take a look at Vote411 and see who still needs to fill out the questionnaire—and who should be thanked for already doing so. The message we sent out asking you to nudge candidates showed the names of those who had not responded. The names of those who did respond didn't appear, but thanking these candidates for participating is hugely important! If you can do that, many thanks to you!
In League,

Mary Coltrane, LWVWA President