Making Democracy Work® Recognizing the vital role of local news in our democracy—including to provide accurate information that enables us to govern ourselves—the League of Women Voters of Washington believes it is the responsibility of the government to provide support for conditions under which credible local journalism can survive and thrive. Issue Team Chair: Dee Anne Finken, |
2024 Local News and Democracy Legislation
Bills in green are supported. Bills in red are opposed by the League. Bills in black the League is watching.
These bills are not moving forward this session:
SSB 5102 Concerning School Library Information and Technology Programs. This bill would require each district to have a policy that every student has access to school library information and technology programs via a trained teacher/librarian. Would also require school boards to provide resources to operate such programs. It also would allow smaller districts to employ noncertificated staff if attempts to recruit certificated staff are unsuccessful.Professional medical societies may oppose the bill citing concerns about training. However, psychologists with special training successfully prescribe in five other states and in the military.
SSB 5626 Expanding and Enhancing Media Literacy and Digital Citizenship. This bill would require the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish a program to expand and integrate media literacy and digital citizenship in subject areas in K-12. It also would require the program to support a cadre of teacher trainers within their subject areas to provide professional development to other educators. It also would require OSPI to create a grant program to support curriculum development and integration in media literacy and digital citizenship into subject areas.
Other Bills
Bills in green are supported. Bills in red are opposed by the League. Bills in black the League is watching.