Who are the people that represent League at the Legislature? There is a team of issue experts (called Issue Chairs) who each specialize in a subject for which they come with expertise and remain well-informed. Learn more about the Lobby Team or read their bios here. These are people who dedicate much of December and all of January through March or April to the League’s work on their respective issues. This includes preparation for the beginning of session, bill tracking, research, development of testimony, consultation with legislators and coalitions, supporting member engagement with the Legislative Action Newsletter, and so much more. Their jobs are full-time plus during this part of each year.
The Lobby Team members work hard. Here’s how some of them described why they wanted to do this work:
"I applied to join the Lobby Team because in these uncivil times, legislation is one of the ways we can work for meaningful change."
—Dee Anne Finken, Local News and Democracy
"I have always found the League Lobby Team to be effective and specifically joined to elevate my particular issue (waste diversion) as it is relative to the Climate Crisis priority. I have appreciated that we now have the capability of expanding issue chair participation from across the state."
—Ann Murphy, Waste Diversion
"Of course I am very interested in behavioral health and concerned about obstacles that might prevent someone from obtaining the help that they need. But the decision to join the Lobby Team was really based on more self-serving reasons. I like to do things that scare me as long as they do not terrify me. Another more self-complimentary way of saying this is, I like to do things that challenge me, but things that I could accomplish if I stretched myself. It is a legal high."
—Mary Lynne Courtney, Behavioral Health
The Team also includes advocates, who are volunteers that help with research, writing, developing testimony as well as providing other support to the Team. Advocates are not appointed by the LWVWA Board to speak for the League, however, so they don't give testimony. The Advocate role is perfect for members who feel nervous about testifying but have a deep interest in a subject area and want to help. Or for those who want to learn about issues they haven’t previously delved into.
Any League member is welcome to support an Issue Chair working on a topic they want to support. Here’s what Carol Sullivan said about why she’s doing this work as an advocate.
"I’m part of Lobby Team, because together, we are learning, sharing and making a difference in what happens in WA State."
—Carol Sullivan, Advocate
Make sure you subscribe to the League's Legislative Action Newsletter, a weekly newsletter produced during Washington State's legislative session. It features easy-to-follow summaries of the legislative process, updates on key issues, and action alerts.